Florida Solar Energy Center
The Florida Solar Energy Center currently manages the Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership and the Southeast Photovoltaic Residential Experiment Station programs for the Department of Energy (DOE) and has significant experience in deploying high-performance buildings integrating DOE-developed technologies.
Southface Energy Institute
Southface is a national leader in commercial and residential green building and building energy codes. Southface is the premier building energy efficiency and green buildings partnership and training institute in the South, with their programs reaching over 40,000 people annually.
Energy Systems Laboratory
The Energy Systems Laboratory, at Texas A&M University, is responsible for impressive and innovative achievements in high-performance, beyond-code building programs in the region. Their exemplary programs include the Texas "LoanSTAR" commercial buildings program, the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan and their role as the official "arbiter" for Texas' progressive energy code and its beyond-code Energy Efficiency Portfolio standards.
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